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Monday, March 11, 2013

The Quiz

Since you've been learning a lot about these animals, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a quiz after every five posts with facts about animals.(videos and games,coming later, don't count)If you read carefully, you'll get them all correct! So far I've written a post the box jellyfish, the raccoon, the goldfinch, the cow, and the daddy long legs spider. I hope you enjoy my quiz!

Click here to take the challenge.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Daddy Long Legs Spider

When I was little I noticed that all my friends at nature-camp, thought these harmless spiders were harmful.   I have always known size never matters.( I should know considering my height)! Anyway. I usually see these spiders in damp areas. I also know they can walk upside-down or sideways. When these insects are about to lay eggs, they're behinds look like they have bubbles inside it. Obviously, daddy long legs are not just daddys. They also can be females. These ordinary house spiders, are really nothing to yell and scream about like you used to.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Cow

My second favorite animal is 100% a cow.( My first is the moon jellyfish). I love cows because they're such kind, cute animals. I mostly see cows that are red, black,white and brown. Only females produce the yummy, creamy and perfect milk sitting on your table. That's because only females have utters. Baby cows are called calfs, and in my opinion they are super adorable. A popular habitat for cows is farms. Healthy cows eat fresh grass right from the ground. Most cows weigh about 600-1000 lbs. These big, amazing animals are soooooooooooooooooooo cool to learn about. Personally, I want to be a cow sitting in the sun of a beautiful farm. ''AHHHHHHHHHHHH.''

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Goldfinch

Birds are awesome animals, but they're not my favorite. My mom definitely disagrees with me and my opinion.This is her favorite bird, but she does not know as much as you would guess. She wishes she knew more about them. One thing she does know is that goldfinches live in the north-east part of America. Like most birds, they feed on worms and other insects. This picture is showing a male goldfinch, because females are brown and not as interesting. Since these are pretty rare birds, whenever  my mom or me see one, they make us feel happy.